· English progressive rock group formed in 1971 with an original lineup of Andrew Latimer (guitar, flute, vocals), Peter Bardens (keyboards, synths, vocals), Doug Ferguson (bass, vocals) and Andy Ward (2) (drums. percussion). This lineup recorded the first four studio albums including their most commercially successful album, The Snow Goose, an entirely instrumental record released in 1975. Photographs taken at Electric Lady Land Studios during a live radio broadcast on WNEW FM in New York City.
Copyright 1972 Associated Artists & Photographers

Peter Bardens Camel Photo 1

Copyright 1972 Associated Artists & Photographers
Andy Ward Camel Photo 2

Framed or UnFramed

Copyright 1972 Associated Artists & Photographers

Copyright 1972 Associated Artists & Photographers

Copyright 1972 Associated Artists & Photographers
Andrew Latimer & Jay Ferguson Photo 3
Peter Bardens Camel Photo 4
Peter Bardens Camel Photo 5

Andy Ward Camel
Photo 5
Framed or UnFramed

Framed or UnFramed
Framed or UnFramed

Camel Relaxing At
Electric Lady Land Studios No.1

Framed or UnFramed

Camel Relaxing At
Electric Lady Land Studios No.2
Framed or UnFramed

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